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Next Generation of Rotary - Panel  Discussion                                                                   Atlantic Ballroom

Sustainability has become the new buzz word in Rotary - and it means the most to the longevity of the organization.  Current generations of Rotarians have no idea of the impact of Polio, and as the organization continues its work to transition to the six areas of focus - how do we as a district make Rotary relevant for the next generation.

12:00 - 1:30


Featuring Youth Programs

Conference attendees will be seated in a reserved section of the main dining room, where they will be treated to introductions to our Youth Exchange members and other students in a roving discussion/presentation of Rotary's impact on young people.


1:30 - 3:30

STOP HUNGER NOW Food Packing                                                                                Florida Ballroom

The Merritt Island Rotary Club has sponsored the supplies to allow us to pack 1

0,000 meals for families in Haiti at this year's conference.   50 volunteers can pack

10,000 meals in two hours - sign up NOW to participate! 

(If we have more than 50 willing volunteers, we will rotate a second shift in at 2:30.)


Inbound Youth Exchange Host Family Orientation                                                            St. Lucie Suite


7:00 - 9:00

50's/60's Sock Hop Awards Celebration                                                                             Florida Ballroom

Grab your poodle skirt, slick back your hair and join us for a retro cocktail party, where we will celebrate the successes of the past year!


For those that want to continue to enjoy the resort amenities, we invite you to lunch again with your fellow Rotarians from the district.  In this session, we encourage Rotarians to seat themselves according to their area within the district to continue the relationship building among clubs that are located near one another, discussing possibile collaboration opportunities on fundraisers and/or service projects.


Optional Golf or Tennis Outing

Depending on the level of interest, we will schedule a golf and tennis outing for immediately following lunch.  Sign ups will be available at registration.  There is no additional cost for tennis and they have rackets and balls at the courts, however there is a fee for golf.  $25 is for golf between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and includes cart.    Let us know you are interested by signing up below!

​11:00 - 12:00

Breakout Sessions

Membership Development                                                                                              Atlantic Ballroom
Join in the discussion about membership recruitment and retention and hear from some of our clubs that are finding ways to build Rotary in their community.


Fundraising                                                                                                                      Martin Suite
Raising money, whether for The Rotary Foundation, or local projects, is a priority of all Rotary Clubs.  Hear about three successful fundraisers within our district from the Rotarians that make them happen.  Find out their timeline, committee structure, and what it takes to organize a succcessful fundraiser.


Public Relations                                                                                                                St. Lucie Suite

Rotary does great work all over the world, but are we being effective in spreading the message in our own communities?  Good public relations strategies can help our fundraising and membership recruitment goals.  In this discussion, share ways that your club has been successful and hear how Rotary International might be able to help you achieve your goals in public relations.


​1:00 - 2:45

Opening Plenary Session                                                                                            Atlantic Ballroom

Featuring the Air Force ROTC from Treasure Coast High School,

remarks from RI President's Rep Ravishankar Bhooplapur, PRID Robert Menconi,

Club Vocational Service Awards and Club Literacy Awards


​9:00 - 10:45

Plenary Session 2                                                                                                           Atlantic Ballroom

Featuring District Business Meeting, Keynote Speaker Ed Futa, Josh the Otter, Public Image Awards, and Peace Initiative Awards

​3:00 - 4:00

Committee Meetings

Youth Services                                                                                                                St. Lucie Suite

Council on Legislation Selection Committee                                                                 Martin Suite

4:00 - 5:00

Committee Meetings

Finance Committee                                                                                                         Board Room



5:00 - 6:00

Committee Meetings
College of Governors                                                                                                       St. Lucie Suite
Council on Legislation Representative Selection Interviews                                           Martin Suite



Major Donors Reception (Invitation Only)                                                                        Gazebo

10:00 - 12:00

Closing Plenary Session                                                                                                 Atlantic Ballroom
Various presentations including message from RI President's Representative Ravishankar Bhooplapur, Rotary Has Heart, Presidential Citation Awards and Foundation Awards.


Remembrance Ceremony

Join us on the grounds of Club Med as we plant a tree in honor of the Rotarians that we lost over the past year....a permanent reminder of the impact of their service.



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